
The Global Center for Economic Enabling Environments (“GCEEE”) is a nonprofit organization focused on developing sustainable engines of economic growth across the developing world.

GCEEE is funded through earned revenues from advisory services, sales of assessment and application tools, publications, and foundation grants.

What We Do

GCEEE’s mission is to provide a platform and create insight so policy makers and small and middle enterprises (“SMEs”) can better define, assess, and improve their effectiveness and impact in attracting Foreign Direct Investment (“FDI”) by creating an enabling environment where investments can flourish. This mission is built upon a world view that embraces transparency, rule of law, principles of positive social change, human development, organizational & social systems, corporate financial theory, and investment & international finance best method practices.

Contact Us

GCEEE promotes economic development that is grounded in the belief that private sector expansion is the only force for sustainable economic growth. While this model is avoided by most donors it has been tested and proven over the more than 80 years of combined experience we have advising firms, industries and governments in developing countries.